With the merger of all the sites of our photagraphers it will take some time to get all the photos on Trial Inside. Don’t hesitate to regulary visit the pages of Nini, Mireia, Kevin, Marc and Frank to discover all the photos. Today the honors are for the final of the French Championshop FFC trial of 2008.
The event took place in Serre Chevalier on beautiful sections. with a big crowd being present.Gilles Coustellier who won the World Championship, won his first French title during this competion. A title which belongs to him unchallenged since that day, where he finished before Giacomo Coustellier and Vincent Hermance.
The other finalists were Aurélien Fontenoy, Guillaume Dunand, Nicolas Vuillermot, Florian Tournier and Theau Courtes. Theau swithed to 26 inch at that time before returnig to 20 inch.
At that age we tought the French trial had an impressive and big generation of riders. 4 years later, apart from Florian Tournier, 7 of these finalists are still at the top of the international competion, A l’époque on pensait que le Trial Français possédait une génération impressionnante et dense. Quatre ans plus tard mis à part Florian Tournier les 7 autres finalistes de 2008 sont dans le Top niveau mondial, history was well underway for the French Trial.
Here are the pictures of the Elite final by FrankYmage.
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